What is an ePortfolio?
It is a collection of assignments and reflections that show your ability and allow you to demonstrate mastery of student learning outcomes (SLOs). The LIS Program SLOs are available on our website: https://cehd.missouri.edu/information-science-learning-technologies/degrees-programs/library-information-science-lis/#outcomes.
When do I do the ePortfolio?
The ePortfolio is a kind of “capstone” Graduate Examination that will allow you to reflect on what you learned while in the Program. You will do the ePortfolio in your last regular (Fall or Spring) semester, after you declare your intent to graduate and respond to SISLT Student Services questionnaire, you will be placed in a Canvas course shell for ePortfolios. The course shell will go live by the end of business (5:00 pm Central) the first week of classes and will include all the information you need to get started creating the ePortfolio you will submit.
How do I prepare for creating my ePortfolio?
In terms of coursework, you need nothing other than samples of projects/artifacts you submitted for your classes. Many classes have designated “signature assignments,” but you might choose other assignments from those same classes, based on your own education, experience, goals, and intended place of employment.

You’ll also present yourself and create a short bibliography and you will supply a current resume or CV.

What if I have special needs?
Please contact either Amy Adam, SISLT Student Services Coordinator (adamae@missouri.edu) or Dr. Cindy Dudenhoffer (DudenhofferC@missouri.edu) if you have special circumstances. We will do our best within the guidelines of the University to make arrangements to meet your needs.

If you have additional questions or concerns about ePortfolios content or the process, please contact Dr. Jenny Bossaller (BossallerJ@missouri.edu), Chair of the LIS Program Graduate Examinations Committee.

If you have questions about eligibility, registration and related matters, please contact Amy Adam (adamae@missouri.edu), SISLT Student Services Coordinator.

Version dated — replaces all prior versions.